Monday, January 7, 2008


I'm proud to call this young man a friend of mine, although he scares me sometimes. This from Paul Rice, an intern that we had the opportunity to warp straight out of high school. He went on to actually graduate from college, edit the Spare Change homeless paper in Boston, and develop some unusual proclivities when he's not busy as a free-lance writer.

This presents a fabulous opportunity to share yet another song from my vast repertoire. Real Change intern blues was written and performed by me for an intern going away party back in 2001, when I actually knew how to play guitar. Paul, Willis, and Laura. I found something to say about all of them.

I should probably say that this song dates to before our remodel, which put in an HVAC system to circulate the air. It was a dark period for us all.

I got the blues, Real Change intern blues.
Somethings making me crazy, and confused.
Something’s smelling real bad.
Think someone’s pissed on my shoes.

My name is Paul Rice. I work for free
My life’s ambition is not to be a yuppie.
I got the blues, Real Change intern blues
Something’s smelling real bad.
Think someone’s pissed on my shoes.

My name is Laura, my hair’s kinda weird.
I used to be normal before I started workin’ here
I got the blues, Real Change intern blues
Something’s smelling real bad.
Think someone’s pissed on my shoes.

My name is Willis, tell you something about me.
My biggest thrill is ridin’ home on my donkey.
I got the blues, Real Change intern blues
Something’s smelling real bad.
Think someone’s pissed on my shoes.

I got the blues, Real Change intern blues.
I got the blues, Real Change intern blues.


Bruce from Accordion Noir said...

Put that on your resume.

Paul Rice said...

I had forgotten about that song! I remember something else about that night when you played it...

And look at me now, inheritor of all manner of corporate wealth! Take that homelessness.