Thursday, January 3, 2008

Am I Burnt Out?

I have better things to do, I know. But here I am, figuring out how to put music files on my blog. It's been so long since I've played my guitar the calluses are gone and my fingers are clay, but I couldn't resist trying out Garageband, which lets me record to my laptop and then apply effects. The ditty below combines "heavy blues" and "screeching guitar," which has a sort of a Big Brother and the Holding Company feel to it. Then I found this site, which could be habit forming. I call it Acid Blues.

So, this weeks poll. Having heard Acid Blues, should I or should I not quit my day job? As always, the poll is at top right.

The results are in. Nine out of ten believe I should "Keep My Day Job!" OK. I believe you. To the minority who thinks I should strike out for acid-inspired stardom, I say, "Thanks, but maybe not right now."


Dr. Wes Browning said...

I'm confused. Is the title Acid Blues or is that the description? What is My Song 2? Is that the title? What happened to Your Song 1?

My assessment; You're an acid head Garfunkel in search of a like minded Simon. You need better titles at least.

I'd say don't quit your day job but as you know I'm not a disinterested party.

"Uta" Urban said...

Why don't you bring your guitar to work?

Dr. Wes Browning said...

"Uta", you don't know of what you are asking. He has.

Anonymous said...

Having been present to Janice and Big Brother and the Holding Company at the Shrine in LA amid smoke and strobes, about all I can say in listening to this is, "Thanks for rekindling the memory." Now if you can find a pseudo-Janice to front your guitar, we'll probably rave,...