
For more than two decades, I’ve struggled with creating an approach to homeless advocacy and organizing that does the issue justice. Over this time, there are four truths that have become more than obvious.
One: Homelessness is about the problem of surplus people in a global economy. The collapse and overseas exportation of most American manufacturing has hit the market for less educated and relatively unskilled labor hard. Communities that face racial discrimination have been hit hardest. This clear fact of our economy goes largely unacknowledged.
Two: The bottom 10-20 percent of those who struggle to survive in our economy have been more or less permanently marginalized. There is little expectation that a demand for their labor will ever return. There is an historic pattern of erosion of government support for those at the bottom. As a result, the past three decades have seen an exponential growth in incarceration and emergency sheltering. In times of growing economic desperation, even the most minimal supports that presently exist will increasingly come under attack.
Three: Homelessness and incarceration are fundamentally dehumanizing. Those who endure life at the outer margins of the economy are stigmatized and rendered invisible. They are a frightening reminder of the systemic failures of capitalism, and our response, all too often, is to distance ourselves through victim-blaming and denial. The conditions of the incarceration industry and mass homelessness erode feelings of self-worth and diminish our own capacity to regard those who endure the conditions of these institutions as beings who are fully human.
Four: Approaches to “ending homelessness” that ignore these realities cannot succeed. Until we acknowledge that America has a growing and largely permanent class of throwaway people, and make the connections between structural unemployment, racism, criminalization, and the erosion of even the most minimal safety net for the poor and disabled, “homeless advocacy” will, at best, continue to win the occasional battle while the war rages on. Despite our well-intentioned best efforts, the casualties will mount.
Since the advent of globalization, inequality in America has radically widened, and the trend is accelerating. Class war is being waged upon the very poor by the very rich, and the frontiers of this conflict are expanding to create new levels of vulnerability for an eroding middle class.
The realities of regressive taxation, unsustainable military spending, and government priorities that reflect the capture of democracy by corporate interests mean that the middle class and those who struggle at the margins have a common interest in systemic reform that places the realities of race and class front and center.
Bureaucratic, siloed approaches to ending homelessness, while necessary, are insufficient. We must look toward the more imaginative and holistic organizing opportunities that, all too often, are hidden in plain sight.
Here in Seattle, city plans for the creation of a new municipal jail brings together issues of race, class, a failed education system, economic marginalization, and misguided government spending priorities in a rather neat package. Thus far, public discussion of this issue has been mostly limited to the problem of where this facility is to be located. The larger question of a renewed civic commitment to a failed policy of expanding incarceration has gone largely unaddressed. This reflects a sad failure of moral and political imagination by Seattle’s homeless advocates and, more importantly, the broader progressive community.
The city’s unwavering commitment to expanded incarceration comes when we can least afford it. During a time of increasing economic uncertainty and large deficits at every level of government, the new facility will cost $220 million to build and $19 million annually to operate. Meanwhile, Seattle schools slated for closure are located mostly in our city’s communities of color.
The Department of Justice’s own statistics on incarceration are a travesty, and speak to the role of incarceration as a form of economic containment. One in 99 Americans are presently behind bars, and one in 33 live under the supervision of the penal system. An African American high school dropout has a two in three chance of winding up behind bars by the age of 35.
The Seattle school system’s high school graduation rate for African Americans is a mere 52 percent.
This reality of incarceration being a rite of passage for males who live in economically disadvantaged communities is a relatively new phenomenon, resulting from 30 years of war on crime and drugs. Incarceration rates bear little apparent relationship to crime rates, and are driven by the politics of fear and race.
Such racialized rates of incarceration feed a downward spiral of economic opportunity within already disadvantaged minority communities.
Meanwhile, according to the city’s own statistics, the demand for incarceration has abated. The jail population has declined by 38 percent while overall population has risen by eight percent.
Why, then, the rush to build?
Real motivations, given the opacity of city planning processes, are unclear. Perhaps the promise of new jobs in construction and incarceration play some role. Perhaps the increasingly repressive approach to immigration and limited Immigrations and Customs Enforcement facility space is in the mix somewhere. Perhaps the projected increase of community emphasis policing in Seattle, which focuses on low-level drug and poverty crime, anticipates new demand for misdemeanant jail beds.
A glance at the current environment offers an ominous look at the future. State level budget cuts threaten the closure of King County’s one drug and alcohol treatment center that serves the very poor. The governor’s budget threatens to zero out General Assistance - Unemployed. The GAU program offers a paltry $339 a month to around 9,000 people who have successfully navigated the challenging process of documenting that they, one way or another, are too disabled to work and have no other sources of income.
This barbaric approach to economic hard times will, unavoidably, create more instances of poverty crime and will undermine public safety for all of us. The primary victims of increased crime will be the very poor.
At the same time, homelessness in Seattle and King County is growing and becoming more racialized. The 2008 One Night Count documented a 15 percent increase in homelessness over the previous year. During this snapshot early morning January 2008 count, 5,800 people were in emergency and transitional shelter, and another 2,300 were found surviving outside on a night when the shelters were full. The count also documents that although Blacks make up just five percent of county residents, they make up 40 percent of King County’s homeless. This number is up four percent from just two years prior.
It’s been said that the definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Seattle’s new municipal jail is a bricks and mortar commitment to continued structural racism and the economic marginalization of the most poor. It’s time to stop the insanity. Attend the Real Change forum on the new municipal jail and commit to being part of a new solution to poverty, homelessness, and structural racism in Seattle.
"Question Inevitability: A Community Perspective on Alternatives to a New Jail" will take place at Seattle University's Pigott Auditorium from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 28. This forum by the Real Change Organizing Project will include a broad panel of respected and committed activists and experts on incarceration and its effect on communities.
Panelists include:
Silja J.A. Talvi , noted essayist and investigative journalist and author of Women Behind Bars: The Crisis of Women in the U.S. Prison System.
Aaron Dixon, co-founder of the Seattle Black Panthers and 2006 Senate candidate for the Green Party.
King County Councilmember Larry Gossett, active on issues of social and economic injustice for over 40 years.
Alexes Harris, who has worked with the highly successful Clean Dreams pre-arrest diversion program, a real alternative to incarceration.
Tim Harris, executive director and founder of Real Change
Jesse Hagopian, a middle school teacher in Seattle Public Schools and a co-founder of Educators, Students, and Parents for a better Vision of the Seattle schools (ESP Vision).
There's a lot to respond to here. You gave the statistic that 40% of the homeless are Black, add to that the incarcerated population levels are at 50%. Half of all people in jail are Black while only Blacks make up only 13% of the population. 10.4% of all Black men between the ages of 24 - 29 are in prison or under supervision. Only 1.3% of white men are incarcerated. White Male Privilege is alive and well - we just aren't paying attention.
Additionally, the US has the highest rate of incarceration when compared to any other country. We incarcerate approx. 756/100K. You know those awful countries Russia and Rwanda? You know, those torturers who do mean things to their citizens? They incarcerate fewer people, by quite a margin, than we do. Who are the bad guys again? Even Cuba, with their awful dictators and abusive agendas (I'm saying this with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek) incarcerate only 531/100K.
We need to stop talking about foreign policy and focus on our torture and terrorism. If you think jail and prison is not torture and terrorism, you've never spent a night there. Because it is. Much like the shelters I work in, people are eaten alive by bugs, the most vulnerable are eaten alive by predators of the human kind, services including food and health care are continually cut.
It costs less than half to provide support services outside of incarceration in order to reduce recidivism and change lives. When a person in mentally ill and/or chemically addicted it costs approximately $42K per year to jail them versus $9800 a year to house them and give them food and treatment services. Seems pretty simple to me...do something that is less costly, improves lives of the individuals and reduces petty crimes that negatively affect the community.
On a side note, if healthcare was a given right in our country, a lot of mentally ill folks wouldn't experiment with the illegal drugs being street chemists until they found the right combination that provided balance to their demons. Some folks have to go to jail in order to get stabalized on their meds. How utterly ridiculous is that?
Let's attend this forum and have some thoughtful (as in thinking, not necessarily kind) conversations about alternatives that make sense to our community, to the individuals living in the jail/shelter/homeless circle and our community as a whole.
This morning (4:38 a.m.), the Seattle Post-Intelligencer had a front-page photo on its website of a woman holding up a banner which reads, “One Nation.” I thought, “We need a reality check,” and then I found it here on Tim Harris’ always thoughtful, always insightful, usually angry wonderful blog – under a headline, “Homelessness, Incarceration, and the Future” - and with a photo of a prison fence topped with razor-wire.
It’s off-the-hook almost beyond belief wonderful that this country has finally elected a person of color to be its leader, and I have literally spoken about it many times with tears in my eyes. Yesterday, I told my Mother “I wish Bill Williams was alive to see this!” Bill was an African-American who lived in the south (central Florida) when you could be (and were) shot just for the color of your skin. He also was a close friend and confidant of my Father and was like a second Father to me – a person whose photograph hangs in my bedroom, whom I love to this day, and who I still think of very often even though he died many years ago (in the late 1980s).
But, the reality check we need is to remember that our new president is seemingly a supporter of the death penalty, that in terms of prisoners and those formerly imprisoned he does not seem to know they exist (or is scared of the issue or is happy with the status quo???) – although there are more than 2,000,000 people in prison and too many to count under “correctional supervision.” As part of this, we also need to remember that Joe Biden has engaged in one-upmanship arguments about the death penalty, proudly stating he supports the death penalty in more instances than a political opponent of his….
Maybe at least one of the questions we should be asking ourselves is HOW do we get issues we care about on the radar of President Obama. Certainly not with Maria Cantwell – can she even spell “social justice” (let alone “social justice for all”?)?
Tim’s blog is, as you also know, an invitation to an important event at Seattle University’s Piggott Auditorium the evening of Wednesday, 28 January 2008. I beg you to attend. The issues that will be discussed by the panel are so very important. We can carry on the conversation of HOW we can finally deliver true, meaningful, real help to the 18,500 people in Washington's prison, the 43,000 people under correctional supervision in Washington, the 8,400 people who are homeless in Martin Luther King County, the 96,600 children whose parents are in the custody of the Department of Corrections, the 25,000+ people on GAU who are barely hanging on, if at all....
Ari Kohn, Seattle, WA 98145-0007
This is one of your most compellingly factual blogs you've written!
The issue of incarceration is complex, and you've made a good start, followed by some insightful comments.
One of the many obscure related issues is that kids are harmed when parents get sent to jail.
Often the kids become homeless and parent-less, though not many consider that, and education gets needlessly disrupted because no one realizes they are homeless when they lose housing due to hardship (parent being locked up).
HEAR US just issued a short report describing this condition,on our website,http://www.hearus.us/projects/reach.html for Mom in Jail, Kids Pay the Price.
Thanks as always for your stalwart advocacy!
Kids, adults, they all count.
Apparently Mr. Harris doesn't believe in the criminal justice system.
The City is not looking at building a municipal jail because its jail population is growing. Seattle's municipal jail population has dropped by almost 40 percent in the last 10 years. Seattle is looking at building a municipal jail because the City is going to lose all of its municipal jail beds when its nonrenewable contract with King County ends in 2012.
So, what is Seattle to do with people who commit a rape, break into a home, or even commit murder?
Give them vouchers to see a psychologist?
This is a straw man argument. Question nonrenewability. The county has offered to extend the contract to 2014 while a regional solution is pursued. The city has falsely narrowed their options to the one goal they care to pursue.
Then what happens in 2014 (frive years from now)?
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دائماً نكون في حالة كبيرة من البحث عن أفضل الخدمات المنزلية التي تساعد في حل بعض المشكلات المنزلية الصعبة، ومن أهم هذه المشكلات البحث عن شركات لنقل العفش، أو البحث عن أفضل شركات التنظيف بالمدينة المنورة، أو شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمدينة المنورة، فكل هذا لم تجده عزيزي العميل إلا داخل شركتنا شركة الخدمات المنزلية التي توفر على كل عملائها الكثير من التعب والعناء وراء البحث بين الشركة عن الخدمة الأفضل، فنحن نعمل دائماً لإرضاء عملائنا الكرام، وكل متا يبحث عنه العميل هو الثقة والأمانة في العمل، ونحن أيضاً نحرص على أن نقوم بتنفيذ جميع أعمالنا بأفضل الطرق الممكنة والتي تعمل على أن يقدم العمل على أحسن وجه.
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، فتمتلك العديد من المقومات الرائعة التي تميزها عن غيرها من الشركات، حيث أن التنظيف يعتبر من الأمور الشاقة للغاية للمرأة خاصة إذا كانت المرأة تعمل فيكون ليس لديها وقت فارغ لتتم عملية التنظيف، حيث أن
شركة تنظيف فى ابوظبى
تمتلك عمالة مدربة على مستوى عالي من الجودة ولديهم خبرة تتعدي الخمس سنوات في مجال التنظيف، فالمرأة تكتشف البقع من بقايا المشروبات والطعام فلابد على أي مرأة أكتشافها لهذه البقع أن تقوم بالأتصال على الفور على
شركة تنظيف مسابح ابوظبى
، حتى تعمل
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على تنظيف جميع الغرف والمطابخ والحمامات التي توجد في البيوت.
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ماذا تقدم لعملائها
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العديد من الخدمات والمميزات لعملائها حيث تعتبر من أفضل الشركات التي تعمل في مجال التنظيف، فتستخدم
خدمات تنظيف ابوظبى
العديد من المساحيق التي تعمل على إزالة البقع نهائياً.
حيث تستخدم
تنظيف منازل ابوظبى
مساحيق خاصة لأزالة بقايا الطعام من المطابخ وخاصة السيراميك فالمطبخ لابد من تنظيفه جيداً وعدم أهماله حتى لا تتراكم الدهون والشحوم، كما أن المطبخ لابد من تعقيمه وترتيبه بأستمرار حتى لا يراكم الحشرات الزاحفة والطائرة وتعمل على تلوث الطعام وإصابة الإنسان بالأمراض.
كما أن
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تعمل على خصم خدمة التنظيف لجميع العملاء، حيث أن
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التنظيف وتمتلك أفضل المعدات والألات التي تستخدم في مجال التنظيف، لذا لابد من التعامل مع هذه الشركة لأنها أكبر
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