Were I to follow conventional wisdom, I'd be running about three different blogs now. One on homelessness and politics, another to document my personal musings along with my cartoon obsession and favorite music videos, and finally, a third to post the little music projects that no one wants to listen to. The thing is, three blogs would be intolerably geeky. And I don't mean geek-chic. I mean geek-I-clearly-have-no-life. So it all goes in the same pile, niche blogging be damned. Love me love my blog. So there. Here's something I recorded on guitar the other night when I was feeling low that turned things around. I banged the fuck out of the rhythm part, topped it off with a fuzzy lead, and wa-la, suddenly I'm feeling 100% better. Music saves.
I'm listening and thank you. Good stuff - I'm glad it made you feel better! -- from one who drops all kinds of stuff in my personal blog, but sort of manages two others... guess I'm geeky - but definitely not chic! Take care, Tim!
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